My psychic Path


Many Interests

Landscape Painting

Face Painting

Light Meditations

Designing Earrings

Abstract Art

Architecture of the Soul


How I got Started

 The Beginning of My Psychic Path By Holly Range


  Well, What got you started   
  One October night in 1981, when I was twenty-one years old, I experienced the most terrifying night of my life. During that long dark life changing night, as I lay in my bed, between awake and asleep my body seemed to glow rigid and unmovable.
   Trying to shift into a more comfortable position, my body would not respond to my commands, causing me to shift my attention to my surroundings using my mind and eyes.
  Laying there for what seemed a passage of  twenty to thirty minutes, I began to think about how might handle this. Though it was my physical body was not mine to command , I could still think. I decided to wait it out, remaining present in my own thoughts.   
  As soon as I made that decision, control of my physical body slowly began to return. During that time from above, around where the walls meet the ceiling light began to appear. The appearance of light illuminated dark angular facial masks from behind. Light shown through the eyes, nostrils, mouthes and all around the sides. Slowly the masks disappeared and only the light remained. The word “ beall “ was said in an announcing descriptive ending to the whole experience.
  That darkness could command my body but not my soul. My soul and mind are mine, they are who I am. What I learned, and kept with me until this day, was that I could decide to not be consumed by people  and negative spiritual forces. 


Events and Activites

Face painting


Tarot Card Readings

Design Your Own Earrings

Art Parties